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Not quite true – how come Eastern Europeans are included?And these people are NOT “LIBERALS” they are Globalists and totalitarians, extremely intolerant of views other than their own, especially if expressed by their own ethnic group (if you are brown or black it’s OK to be sexist, homophobic or bigotted. They call themselves ‘liberals’ because it makes them sound good.   11 likes

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Monday, February 22, 2010 Miguel I think your decision to get involved is the right one.The “damage” is already made, the customer is desperate and you are being paid for your services.Help the guy out of this chaos and educate him as you go along so that he does not do this nonsense again. You may gain a customer for life and be the much needed hero here.

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I think it’s hard for people who are educated, read about the world, and even just come to places like this to understand that most of the world is incredibly feeble minded. I don’t mean to sound arrogant, but rather this is just the reality around us. Hate appeals to stupid people because it is an easy concept.

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, he is a good salesman, not a good coach! Time to bring in a coach with an actual system in mind, a philosophy. Someone that can motivate our players and get them to play with confidence and as a team. This was absolutely the correct move for the Lakers. I am still doubtful Lakers have the talent necessary to win a championship, but Mike Brown was not going to get them there, come on, he had no idea what he was doing. and was clearly not a fit for this team.

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RE: "The states can pass all the bills on eligibility they want. None will keep Barry from being elected a second term...."If the Judiciary Branch will continue, what Alen Keyes calls "dereliction of duty", a forged bc will be certified as good by the States and the plaintiffs challenging it will not have Standing. He is counting on the Judiciary Branch' protection. Otherwise he would not run.

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"Upper Palaeolithic humans had.. similar to modern African people very long forearms and crural segments. The low brachial index is a very recently acquired characteristic of white Europeans"The BMI given is calculated while assuming they were not obese I think.

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Indeed so Lorna, and you wouldn’t want to be invited round to theirs for tea either But it’s only the youngsters with the foul habits, a bit like us humans really if my boy’s anything to go by, the adults feed on nectar and pollen.

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No:189 投稿者:bisl car insurance ltd 投稿日2017/05/19(Fri)03:09  [o35psg5Wfh]

Hey, good to find someone who agrees with me. GMTA.

No:190 投稿者:specialty auto insurance 投稿日2017/05/19(Fri)09:47  [bOvuUKaG0]

That's a subtle way of thinking about it.

No:191 投稿者:voted cheapest car insurance 投稿日2017/05/21(Sun)06:03  [SvA3JBHGbg]

I hate my life but at least this makes it bearable.

No:192 投稿者:new york life insurnace 投稿日2017/05/21(Sun)10:08  [fbss5spEy1]

Jodi, it sounds like you had quite an experience over there. I had my wallet stolen in London 9once and it was a mess. And did you get a good look at the hunk with me? He was so darn cute.

No:193 投稿者:car insurance for 4 days 投稿日2017/05/22(Mon)07:21  [6lgciZU7]

Your post captures the issue perfectly!

No:194 投稿者:compare car insurance in nyc 投稿日2017/05/22(Mon)12:41  [ES7wfaKbMjEM]

I actually found this more entertaining than James Joyce.

No:195 投稿者:cheap car auto insurance 投稿日2017/05/22(Mon)14:47  [gs9GYIc9FDz]

What an awesome way to explain this-now I know everything!

No:196 投稿者:out of state insurance auto 投稿日2017/05/25(Thu)09:29  [bFbun1Os]

You have shed a ray of sunshine into the forum. Thanks!

No:197 投稿者:car insurance quotes belgium 投稿日2017/05/25(Thu)14:02  [ahbZ2oXC6d]

Reply</a> &nbsp;bogdanic</a> February 8, 2010 Uneori, in cazul barabatilor, parerile vin si din alt cap. La femei, e cam la fel, doar ca in formarea opiniei, corasonul are un rol mai mare decat neuronul (fara ironie, e chestie demonstrata), iar &#8211; de cele mai multe ori &#8211; corasonul are dreptate.

No:198 投稿者:amaxx auto insurance 投稿日2017/05/25(Thu)20:33  [SUiJheIHV]

It must be their browser, it looks fine to me. Perhaps they meant, &quot;the text (details) are too deep and inconvenient (difficult) to read (understand). Can you fix (delete the truth you&#39;ve written).Just kidding.... Perhaps they just need to go to &quot;view; zoom out&quot;?

No:199 投稿者:direct line shop insurance 投稿日2017/05/26(Fri)13:32  [6gcbGS6RWu0A]

Reading this makes my decisions easier than taking candy from a baby.

No:200 投稿者:careinsurance 投稿日2017/05/26(Fri)17:42  [96zM4NKR8LpV]

That's an astute answer to a tricky question

No:201 投稿者:aaa auto insurance newark ca 投稿日2017/05/27(Sat)00:18  [GPKpOZiwU]

I feel satisfied after reading that one.


